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National Tire and Battery - Warranty issue


Bought my tires 37 month and change ago with road hazard coverage for $167 extra, lifetime repair, rebalance,and rotation also extra fee. TBC sold the stores and moved out of Atlanta a year later leaving me holding the service bag.

During installation they used an impact gun and stripped a lock leaving me stranded for a day when they couldn't get the wheel on or off. I returned the next day with OE lugs while they finally completed the job. No compensation for the damage or replacement lugs.

Just blew a tire 18000 miles later and less than 2 months after the road Hazzard warranty expired (36 month) . Called TBC and spoke to 2 people who took information but couldn't help.

Said I would get a call back in 3 days. They called and started with I'm sorry but unfortunately... tough ...I requested a Supervisor but they were all busy said they'd call me back. I said I expected a call in an hour.

That was 24 hours ago... crickets.

BTW I was a 35 year employee and retiree from TBC/NTW.

Location: Newnan, Georgia

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